Tuesday, October 11, 2011


As being stated by the aim of SPN 21 (Sistem Pendidikan Negara Abad Ke-21), that is “to equip students with 21st Century skills and Brunei Vision 2035; the accomplishment of its well-educated and highly skilled people”, I hereby would like to propose ‘my future science laboratory’. Here are my lists of proposal:

1.    Lab equip with built in projector, interactive whiteboard, smart board and touch flat screen computer (so that teacher do not have to bring in their laptop but only pen drive, by which reducing the setting up time of the laptop to projector).

2.    Lab equip with super fast internet access.

3.    All students’ benches equip with built in ipad. Inside the ipad, all the sections in the science textbooks (just like e-library) are being provided (just like e-library) so that students do not have to bring in heavy textbooks. This ipad also help students to see the slides presentation of the lesson more closely, this may help them to learn science much better than before. Besides that students do not have to bring in their thick heavy books but only pen drive.

4.    ‘Visualizer’ – help teacher to conduct practical demo in front and students just observe from their benches (to avoid overcrowded at teacher’s bench and so that every student can observe the detail of the practical demo).

5.    Lab being connected to a high technology satellite, so that students can see outside world live from the lab (examples, bird species, plants, trees and so on from around the world) which enhance their learning especially to the related topics.

6.    Students send class works, home works or projects to the teacher through internet (blog, LMS and so on).

7.    Teacher is being provided with high technology microphone, so that every student can hear their teacher’s voice and the teacher do not have to shout out loud.

8.    Virtual science experiment, to avoid carrying out ‘dangerous experiments’ in the lab. This is for everyone safety.

9.    Sound proof science laboratory, so that the lesson will not disturb other classes nearby.

10. Lab equip with super sensitive high technology alarm system for lab safety.

11. High technology lab safety coat for practical works.

12. Lab equip with automatic ‘smart glass window’. This window can control the  intensity of light coming into the lab.

13. Lab equip with ‘smart air-conditioning’ which adjust automatically the  temperature in the lab according to the hotness and coldness of the lab.

14. Lab equips with ‘supersensitive air circulation fan’, which automatically switch on and off when there is bad smells, smokes and so on.

15. Teacher can request practical materials from the lab technicians through internet from staffroom or from home.

These are some of my future lab proposal. However, no matter how high tech our technologies are, they will never replace a teacher. Teacher still plays an important role as an educator as well as a facilitator. These high technologies are just the tools to enhance students learning towards science as well as ‘a helper’ in teaching science.